

With the right technology and process design, lactose manufacturers can optimise yield and minimise waste in the lactose production process. We work with you to find the optimal solutions.

Premium-quality lactose manufacturing solutions

Lactose serves an important function in manufactured foods and pharmaceuticals. It is commonly used as an ingredient in foods such as infant formula, breadstuffs, cereals, processed meats and meat substitutes, protein, and nutritional supplements. In milk powders, for example, lactose is used for protein standardisation.


Concentrating lactose begins with membrane filtration. After a reverse osmosis process, it undergoes nanofiltration to achieve an approximately 80% solid concentration. The concentrate is demineralised and decolourised before further evaporation to achieve the desired concentration.

Technology suited to your production requirements

When manufacturing lactose, producers focus on quality factors such as purity, particle size distribution and microbiological content. Lactose purity is determined by the chemical content, such as ash, and the particle size distribution is largely determined by the size of the crystal size.

With our specifically developed technology and extensive lactose processing experience, we aim to help you achieve the desired quality levels that give your operations a competitive advantage. At the same time, we never lose sight of designing lactose production plants to optimise yield and minimise waste.

No matter what your production requirements are, we work with you to supply complete production lines, from de-calcification, de-colourisation and crystallization to separation, washing and drying.

Want to know more?

Ask us how we can help you design or optimise your lactose manufacturing facilities for premium quality, maximum yield and minimum waste.
