Starch and Protein


Potatoes offer great potential for commercially viable extraction of starch, proteins, fibres, and juice. Our process technology and expertise can help you make a business out of it.

Making the best of potatoes

Potato starch

The proportion of starch extracted from potatoes is relatively low compared with other plant materials. To maximise the output of potato starch, a special, industrial-purpose potato is often usedWith an unpleasant taste due to the high starch content, this industrial potato is cultivated and processed during the European ‘potato starch season’ from August to April. 

Potato starch production involves a well-defined process starting with the delivery, sorting, washing and grinding of potatoes to produce potato juice. Starch and fibre solids are then extracted from the juice.  

Potato protein

The potato juice obtained in the starch extraction process contains proteins, salts, sugars and amino acids. Potato protein has good nutritious qualities, similar to egg and soy protein, and offers attractive commercial potential for ingredients manufacturers 

The protein is separated in a liquid process involving heat treatment, pH adjustment and separation. For industrial and feed applications, the separated wet protein fraction, consisting of approximately 40% solids, is dried in a gentle process.  

We offer several types of spray dryers, including our Zeta Dryer, which are ideal for the extraction of potato proteins. 

Potato fibres

Potato fibres are used as a food additive to improve the texture and stability of food products, contributing to dietary enrichment and calorie and carbohydrate reduction. These fibres are processed to obtain a high-quality, high-nutritional value product. Around 90% of the fibre fraction can be used for human consumption, with the remaining suitable for animal feed or biogas production.

We offer a unique process for the separation and drying of fibres from potatoes. This includes the Zeta Dryer, which is the optimal drying solution for this process. 

Potato juice concentrate

The processing of potato starch produces large quantities of potato juice. Although potato juice is often used as a crop fertiliser, costs are very high and large storage units are required outside of the fertilising season. Furthermore, the fertilising effect can be poor and the liquid can emit strong, unpleasant odours 

These issues can be mitigated by concentrating the juice water above 40%. This increases the commercial value of the potato juice considerably. The concentrate can be stored in smaller covered facilities until it is next required 

We can assist in designing and implementing an effective process for concentrating potato juice for excellent commercial returns. This includes recovering most of the energy required for the evaporation process, which can then be used in the starch plant. 

We design and supply evaporators with mechanical vapour recompression (MVR) at production capacities exceeding 100 tons/hour, if required. 

Need help?

Ask us how we can help you design or optimise your potato processing line.
